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My library love affair

The adventures of a geeky girl and her love of books. Yes I smell them, and they smell like adventure <3 Where shall we go today?

Bravo Booklikes

I have to admit that I've fallen totally and completely in love with booklikes. I'm such a visual person and along with reading books I love book art, crafts and colorful book quotes. Here I can combine them all with a well organized bookshelf. Bravo booklikes! You've found a winning combination and I'm so excited to see what the future holds.



A few things I'd love to see added in the future.


1. An app. I read on my ipad a lot and usually have it glued to my side where ever I go. (Ok not really glued, more like stuck in my purse but you know what I mean.) I'd love an app to quickly update my reading and blog.


2. I would love to be able to comment, like and reblog from a person's main blog page instead of having to go into each individual post. Is there a way to do this currently that I'm just missing, if so someone please fill me in. I'm still trying to find my way around and may have just missed something. If not maybe add comment, like and reblog links down at the bottom of each post where the fb likes, tweet and pin area is.


3. And finally when you click on a book that you want to add to your bookshelf there is the "edit shelves" button at the bottom that brings up your other book shelves so we can better organize our books. I'd love to be able to add a shelf from this area. It would help for those book types that we don't currently have a shelf for. As it is now I have to go back to my bookshelf page and add in a shelf and then go back to the book and add it so I can keep them organized. Or I can add the book, create the new shelf and then move it. It would just help to streamline the process. 


Hopefully those three ideas made sense lol if not let me grab a cup of coffee and I'll try to explain them a bit better.


All in all I have to say a big thank you for giving this lost book lover a home.