The adventures of a geeky girl and her love of books. Yes I smell them, and they smell like adventure <3 Where shall we go today?
Where would you go if you could escape for the day? I've been pondering this question today, well if I'm honest for the last week. You see it's summer and school's out so we have a houseful of wild children enjoying the freedom. As much as I love the smiles and laughter I sometimes wish I could escape to a quiet place and enjoy the afternoon. Here are some of the daydreams stuck in my head today.
I would love to escape to a quiet corner full of books. A warm cup of tea beside me and all my favorites surrounding me.
If I had a bit more time I'd love to swing the day away in a hammock with my ipad full of my favorite books. I'd enjoy the shade and the birds singing to me as I read. Add in a pitcher of cold iced tea and I'm so there.
A girl reading in a hammock, Robert-Archibald Graafland. Dutch (1875 - 1940)
And finally I'd go back to the ocean. It's my home away from home. I love to sit and listen to the waves, hear the seagulls cries and feel the sea breeze.
Summer Reading by Jennifer Young
Oh and of course all furry friends would be invited :)
"Cat Naps #1" by Linda Apple
Even though I can't escape to a hammock or the beach today I think I'll head to the patio and finish up Scarlet while the kids play. Have a wonderful weekend!